Medical Eye Exams
Diabetes, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and more
Medical Exams
Medical exams can be for a range of things, including conditions like diabetes, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and more. We also provide care for people with headaches, red, goopy, or watery eyes, eye irritation and allergy, or any other concerns you have. You can also see us for Emergency Eye Exams
What’s the difference between a medical eye exam and a full eye exam?
All of our yearly vision exams check for glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes and other conditions, plus give you a glasses prescription.
Primary care or specialty doctors may also refer you to us to make sure your medications, such as Plaquenil, aren’t negatively affecting your vision.
If you have any of these conditions, we see you back in a separate visit from your yearly vision exam so that we can do a full check and advanced diagnostic testing to monitor and treat your condition. This is a separate visit from your regular vision eye exam, so your medical insurance will contribute to this visit.
What kind of testing is done?
We check your eye pressure and how your vision is affected by your issue. Depending on your condition, other testing like pupil dilation or advanced diagnostic testing such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and visual field testing are done to monitor the progression of your condition.
OCT is imaging used to look at the layers of the back of your eye to ensure it is healthy. All you have to do is stare at a green target for a couple of minutes.
Visual field checks peripheral vision by flashing small lights around you while you stare at a small target straight ahead. You click a button when you notice a light flashing somewhere else.
Why are medical exams separate from vision exams?
Medical exams are scheduled separately from your yearly vision exams so that there is enough time to give you the care you deserve.
Your medical eye exam includes time for the office to do the necessary testing, for the doctor to look over your results and check the overall health of your eye, discuss your condition, and discuss and finalize a treatment plan.
Another reason is that medical insurance can not be billed for advance diagnostic testing such as visual field or OCT on the same day that vision insurance is billed.
We are here to give you the comprehensive care that you deserve!